Write me if possible through our good friend the editor and who knows we may meet at the Chevalier D'Eon in
Sept.---I hope.
Rita, N.Y.
Dear Virginia:
I have received my firs TRANSVESTIA and I cannot think of adequate words to express the praise that is in my heart. To think there are others like myself who are as understand- ing and sympathetic enough to encourage and give hope is truly wonderful.
All my life I have wanted to meet someone who felt as I did. Wanted to correspond and be friends. I still would love to meet someone. I would not care whether it were a woman or a TV. I would be so happy knowing I could be my real self. All my life I have wanted to be a woman, to live and dress as a woman, to take my place in life and take the secondary role of a woman which I honestly feel I can ful- fill. I am inadequate as a male.
I have a true story to tell you of myself and how I truly lived as a woman for 5 years only to return her to.... and live again a lonely, friendless, frustrated life. If you are interested I will type it for you. In my story I will tell you of the little fears, the big fears, the things a TV has to face when he goes out into a world that thinks only the worst, is quick to condemn him and ostracize him merely because he is trying to live the only life he has in the way that makes him happiest. Oh, Virginia dear, you know, you understand how cruel people can be because we prefer to be of the so-called weaker sex. I do not like the word "transvestite", I think Femen is nicer, like wo-men or fe-male, why not call ourselves Fe-men?
Sincerely, Eleanor, Conn.
Dear Virginia;
Having read and reread issue #3 of our magazine, I thought I would write and pass on my thoughts about it.